# Giant intrinsic electroresistance in conventional ferroelectric films (Newswise/Oak Ridge National Lab). A new study has for the first time demonstrated giant intrinsic electroresistance in conventional ferroelectric films, ...
According to anonymous sources in Russian government, Popov calls Deputy Foreign minister Karasin (as Foreign minister Lavrov is on vacation). Karasin calls president Medvedyev, who then calls Prime Minister Putin himself. .....?The head of this column, Captain Dennis Sydristy, set an objective of reaching southern outskirts of Tskhinvali before Georgian village of Nikozi?, writes ?Krasnaya Zvezda? in its article about Private Levan Khubayev serving in 135th regiment of ...
Plyashushchego my vospevali, k nashemu Bogu vzyvali my, ibo tot Bog - Zemlyu nashu nosil, zvezdy derzhal, Svet ukreplyal. Slavu tvorite vo vsem Sventovitu: "Slavu Bogu nashemu!" Skorbite zhe serdcem nashim - etim vy smeli otrech'sya ot zlogo deyaniya ...... I tut Zarya Krasnaya prishla k nam, kak zhena blagaya, i dala nam moloko, chtoby krepost' i sila nasha udvoilas'. Ibo Zarya vozveshchaet Solnce. I takzhe slyshali my, kak skachet vestnik na kone k solnech- nomu zakatu, ...